Trip to Cornell
I'm back from my trip to Cornell to pick up my son. We brought the dog and it went well for me but my other son doesn't like the dog. Same son drove part of the way, which I like.
We ate at Mark's Pizza in Ithaca, NY, Pizza was very good and they had outside eating so we were able to bring the dog there.
We also at at Purity Ice Cream and bought the dog her own vanilla. I had a brownie Sunday with Chocolate Debris which was also delicious. There were 3 other dogs at the ice cream place
Storage Closet
We got a storage closet to store my son's stuff. It's a weird place that makes me feel there's a terrorist storing his supplies there. I hope the government keeps tabs on this.
We used Google maps to get directions from Cornell to the storage closet and had to go back and forth 3 times. The third time we went there my son said "Let's do it without Google Maps." So we did and it was so easy. I tried to show him the power of something that's hard at first can become so easy.
Cleaned Garage
4HB problem
4HB is shortcut for Tim Ferriss' Four Hour Body. My review on Amazon is here.I highly recommend this book. I enjoyed reading it but there is so much information I'm not sure where to start with implementing it. Unfortunately my gym Planet Fitness doesn't have kettle bells or weights to do a dead-lift or bench-press.
Be an Idea Machine
I starting reading Claudia Atucher's book Become an Idea Machine which basically gets your to come up with ideas to work your idea muscle.The author makes the point that most people say they don't have time to come up with these ideas so they should create 10 moments that have. Here is mine:
- Before bed
- In bathroom
- 1 item per hour and you'll come up with ten in ten hours
- On train
- Subway
- During daily walk from work
- While walking the dog
- While waiting
- On a line
- at a stop light
- for the train or subway
- for the elevator
- for computer to run a report at work
- While making coffee
- While eating meals
- While taking a shower, don't have a good way to record them
- Before turning on TV
- Before laying down on couch
- While driving to gym
The first 2 exercises are to come up with
- 10 ideas on things I dislike and gratitude for them
- Aging. If you're not aging you're dead
- Pain. No pain no fingers
- Death. Grateful that I'm forced to do as much as I can in this life
- Osteoporosis. Grateful that I have bones.
- Boss. Grateful that I have a job
- Long Drive to Cornell. Grateful that my son was smart enough to make Cornell
- People blocking Escalators. We have the technology to create escalators
- Terrorism. Grateful that most people live peacefully
- Waiting on a line. Grateful that there is a product I want that I'll wait for
- Woman at work lets door slam in my face. I'm grateful I have a job
- Not making $ from my ideas. I'm grateful that I have ideas
- 10 Apps I want.
- App that helps you live longer
- App that helps me identify and reach my goals
- App that automatically finds money and deposits it into my bank account
- App that tracks rude people and makes them take classes to get rid of their rudeness
- App that finds all spelling errors and helps you improve your writing
- App that lowers my blood sugar
- App that helps me LWAKIO
- App that turns Ideas to $
- App that does STS or Smart Task Selection
- App that locates the nearest easy to use bathroom
Loss data to phone
I'm using an app that I like a lot called Color Note. It's a to-do list/list type app. I entered some data to it for the address of my storage closet. Before I leave I check and the data is gone. This fits into the general problem of data loss. It's a good reminder to backup your stuff. What data of your's is vulnerable to loss because you don't have a backup?
$1.49 Chicken Nuggets
Burger King is running a $1.49 promotion for 10 chicken nuggets. This is obviously a loss leader as you'll wind up buying much more. I go to McDonald's for lunch and they're charging $3.99 for 10 nuggets. I buy water and a soda but stop at Burger King across the street for the $1.49 nuggets and that's it.
I have to start taking more pictures that I could include them in this blog. I'm not in the habit of taking enough pictures so I can get more people to read it or just to remind myself of the pictures.