Saturday, August 5, 2017

Daily 5 Minute Journal August 5, 2017


I juggled last night at Bryant Park. Did some club passing with Joe and we did pretty well, a woman who is 49.  Talked with Alice, Iggy.  Asked Jeff if he wanted to pass but he said "no."  Worked on 5 balls, 4 balls, clubs. I juggled clubs around 180 tosses. Taught 2 kids but they were impatient and couldn't do it.   There was another guy who was learning that I tried to help and some uncoordinated guy who needs to practice.


Still struggling to get below 160. I did it once but I'm wondering if it was a scale issue. Weighed myself a number of times yesterday and got many different numbers, but I'll use 161.4 here is my latest chart. 


My goals continue to elude me. I'm trying to come up with goals for August 2017 and for the year 2017.  I do have a book

I was shocked at the number of sheets I had on goals in time-monitor.
  1. Goals at work
  2. Actions to goals
  3. Three Goals Three Tasks
  4. Action to goal
  5. Year by Year Goals
  6. Daily Goals
  7. Goal Analysis
  8. Monthly Goals2
  9. Commitment not Goal
  10. Goal Sheet - Zig Ziglar
  11. Health goal of the month
  12. Goal Qs
  13. 10 Life Goals
  14. Goal Analysis2
  15. Goals at home and work
  16. Monthly Goals
  17. Goals
  18. Goal Questions
  19. Book to Goal
  20. PURGE of Goals
This needs to be organized better.

It might be time to really work on STS (Smart Task Selection). I found a way to track my location via an IP address at


I'm getting more people liking my stuff on twitter. I've changed my name on twitter to Al Berg from Alec Berg. as to not be mistaken for the writer by the same name from Seinfeld.

I've created a list of my tweets on twitter organized which is called 69 Pieces of My Twitter Wisdom.

I've had a couple of tweets that got more followers and I'm up to 72,783.

Popular Tweet Stats


This week at work I've started completing the automation of my software to create PowerPoint slides. This is pretty cool, that I can set a command and have it run on a server in Excel. Though some work is still needed as it's not good at say asking "Are you alive?" and getting back a response, yet. Also, the process can get busy running something. Also, I have to deal with msgbox's and how to handle errors that occur.

I didn't get it to run my data verification process. Have also started on the idea of having a process that help do manual and automated tasks.

Most tasks have components of both automation and manual steps. I'm trying to find a way to better manage this process. For example, the data verification will run on two files looking for issues with the data. If it finds them a person must look at the data and create an event that will allow the automated process to continue.

I recently finished my mid-year review and I don't think I'm doing as well as I'd like. My new boss has pointed out that I'm the only one that knows VBA more than once. This is definately a risk I need to mitigate.

One way to mitigate this is to make the process so easy and useful that the value of VBA skills is seen as useful.


I continue to work on books but this has stagnated a little bit. I need to do some more proof reading and then getting the book to Kindle. I'm not sure I like the way I write as it's missing something. The books are all available for free on-line write now. If you go to

I also need to work on my book covers.

Books I'm Reading

I'm reading a book called The Like Switch  that well I like.  I've also downloaded too many free books from Kindle.

Time Tracking

This once and always is a problem I'd like to solve as I have to track and enter my time at work. I'd like to be able to answer some very basic question on how I spent my time and analyze if it was spent wisely.

  • What did I work on?
  • How much time?
  • What problems did I have?
  • What is wasting my time (meetings)?
  • Where could I be more productive
  • How is time broken down by report?
  • How is time broken down by part of process
    • Automating
    • Research
    • Testing
    • Documenting
    • Following procedures
    • Support