Monday, August 31, 2015

August 31st 2015

It's a hot day today and I'm leaving work I walked this morning and I'  walking on my way home for a 6 miles total. I'm counting my calories today and didn't drink any bulletproof coffee. My blood sugar was high in the morning at 1:08 and about 3 p.m. it was dead 90 inches good camp mike hours today and didn't drink any bulletproof call my blood sugar was fine morning 1 way and about him I'm trying to walk both ways to try to get below 160 work new line I added a shortcut to my time analysis spreadsheet not a very productive Monday boss wanted the queries that I ran for report had lunch I worked on this day looking at the tables and came up with a method to migrate to the new sequel server I'm going to use the Website XL for to test my sequel server code I'm going to try to document all the errors I run into the document the process I spent many hours yesterday trying to get the code to work I was trying to do it automatically but wasted many hours doing that a lonely day and is Eric wasn't at work today prior to dinner I'm at 11:10 to 1000 calories walking up stairs appears to lower my blood sugar
I'd like to have more fun I have to make a list of things that are fun work isn't fun feel lonely there who do I talk to Raj today women I'm walking up Anais Street in Soho Old West Broadway
Today at lunch I saw a guy juggling and wanted to talk to him thank you step outside your comfort zone but I didn't not sure why a developer chatted with me inside a quick question that took 10 minutes to answer the information and the answer isn't recorded anywhere and it should be and should be easy to do and should be encouraged that could be a big money maker if you could come up with a way to record this information and help others access it stock market was down last time I checked over hundred points 4 West Broadway crosses kidney Houston Street it changed to LaGuardia place which is NYU which is a interesting outdoor seating and silver spurs and the five guys went out of business on this block GMT tavern is also a nice outdoor eating place more after eating at Bareburger if something to Feng Shui as certain blocks in certain buildings freak me out. The park Washington Square Park is really nice with a lot of people in a beautiful park
Is a dark park in the park and it leads to the beginning of Fifth Avenue
Interbreeding working I made miss my training it's very pretty in the bottom of 5th Avenue very few stores interesting architecture
On 13th street it changes from residential to business serving a lot of homeless people one thing I've noticed walking in the city is that if we walking against traffic and run about 50 steps and a small job will make every life so walking north on 5th Avenue for example this would work since Fifth Avenue run south at 23rd Street the crowd picks up Italy is a good place to go they have been upstairs restaurant you have to find in elevator or if someone in the zoo bar on the top I'm 23rd Street in Madison Square Park is a restaurant called Shake Shack using the same famous New York landmark which service is very good burger. After 23rd street you run into Broadway and it gets very poor Feng Shui the beginning is not bad but I should get into the upper 20's this kid gets run down a little bit the lot of Nigerians selling stuff on the corner of 26th and Broadway was a place called Tashi which is pretty interesting they always have music even very early in the day
23 has a lot of flower and plant stores

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Aug. 30, 2015


Blood Sugar 97. Drinking Bulletproof coffee for breakfast. 


  • Dr. Wayne Dyer, self-help guru passes away at age 75
  • Bernie Sanders gains on Hilary Clinton in primaries for Presidential nomination
  • Sheriff gets shot. A lot of shootings in the news

Excel Diet

Find a way to get below 160 lbs. Figure out why diet hasn't been working.

Work on getting tables created in SQL Server. I decided to find an automated way to do it instead of creating tables manually. This isn't easy as it's been 2 hours working on this. 

  1. Download SSMA for Access 6.0.0.exe
  2. Download and install Sql server express 2014 
    1. I do the above but I don't see how to run sql server express or do anything.
  3. Annoyance: I install the MSI in step 2 but don't know what to do next
  4. SFA (So Fucken Annoying) trying to install .net Framework
  5. Computer acting strange
    1. My "Logger" software is having issues now, WTF, so
    2. Shortcut not working to start it
    3. Had to kill program from taskmgr
  6. Decided to manually recreate the tables

How much time do I spend pursuing money?

WOAD - Wisdom of a Dad

Proofread book plan. This seems to be a daunting task.

My writing needs improvement.

I want to proofread the book and turn it into a book on tape.


Process to create a book using FTAD method
  1. Write one article on a topic
  2. Store ideas for articles
  3. After 10 articles, create a small book with the information
  4. Use top/down, bottom/up or hybrid of both methods


  1. Fix Hole in bathroom
  2. Clean desk

Terrorism and Random Murders

How big of a problem is this vs. other problems.

Random killing by people instead of lightning, animals, accidents. It's preventable? 


Do dogs get mosquito bites? Yes and can get Heartworm from them.


I'm trying to upgrade my Microsoft Access DB to SQL Server and it's a PITA (Pain in the Ass). Have a method to do this easily. Too many decisions, perquisites. Just have an install button and check whatever is needed then allow to install by default.


I read this book awhile ago and now to look at my highlights and implement what the author says. I read a lot of nonfiction books but don't take enough action. 

This is a great title. It tells me that for $100 I can start a business. 

Maybe I could learn something from the author as he wrote a book and what questions would I ask him


The cover has 4 sections

  1. Title
    1. 2 words with "the"
    2. Centered
    3. Red
    4. Caps
  2. Subtitle
    1. Uses 2 colors
  3. Picture
    1. Red "Pee-wee Herman Bicycle with money bag on rear carrier
  4. Author's name
    1. Caps
    2. Red
  5. Background 
    1. Off-white
    2. Black thick border

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Aug. 29, 2015


Weighed in today at 163.6 and here's my sheet.

The key disturbing issue to me is my trendline is going up.  This is clearly telling me what I've been doing for the last 10 months isn't working. This is my fourth attempt to follow the red goal line and I've failed 3 times so far. Even worse is I don't know why I've failed to lose weight or have a stable trendline. On the positive side I use to weigh 185, so I'n down over 20 lbs. from that point.

Like the rule "Buy low sell high," what sounds easy can be very difficult to implement. One difference is I haven't been following the Excel Diet but more of a Paleo/Atkins/Bulletproof type diet where I eat lot's of fat and low carb. I've been measuring my blood sugar since  March 29, 2015.

One of my favorite sayings is "If you do what you've done, you'll get what you've got." Basically, what I've been doing in this time frame hasn't worked, I need to try something new.


No big news stories but topics being talked about are:

  • Katrina 10 year anniversary
  • ISIS
  • Global warming
  • Iran Nuke Deal with the US

Stocks came back big time. For some reason big losses means big gains a few days later. This seems like an easy strategy to take advantage on if you can trade short term.

PURGE - Prioritize Ur Goals Everyday
  1. Clean Desk
  2. BS = 83
  3. W < 160
  4. Move to SQL server
  5. Proofread Wisdom of a Dad
  6. Work on cover
    1. Install Photoshop
  7. Finish report at work
Accomplished Tasks

  1. Cleaned bathroom
  2. Vacuumed house
  3. Cleaned dog poop
  4. Took dog for a walk
  5. Designed Book cover w/o photoshop
  6. Took dog to All American burger and skipped the buns

  1. Bathroom cleaning product.  
  2. Dog food made out of treats
  3. Business to help people who are afraid of dogs overcome their fear
  4. Product to help write a book
Excel Diet

Got a download of the spreadsheet to day and tried to upload the book to but had and issue.

Working on porting the website from Microsoft Access to SQL server. I've set up a table and got a script to be able to read and write to the table. My backlog is the following:
  1. Create main tables in SQL server database
    1. Identify main tables
    2. Set up the table(s) on Godaddy website
  2. Load data from access to SQL server
  3. Make sure data is getting backed up
  4. Need a process to copy data from MS Access to SQL server

Microsoft Access Database

The main database is called ListMaker.mdb

The relevant tables and description are:

1.       PageCache – stores webpages for quick access so queries aren’t needed. Created to optimize the response time
2.       ListInfo – Information about a list
3.       GenData – Most important table where all the list info is stored
a.       GD_Id
b.      GD_status
c.       GD_Desc
d.      GD_Memo
e.      GD_UID
f.        GD_DateAdded
g.       GD_DateDeleted
h.      GD_Category_Id
i.         GD_nbr_items

4.       GenOrg – Stores the organization of the database

There may be an issue with autonumber fields as the numbers to be loaded must match data in the access database. 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Aug. 28, 2015

The weekend finally starts. It was a hard week for me at work


 I worked late most of the days due to trying to get out a report for the Fed.

The report was very complicated or so I thought. I made a big blunder in that I didn't carefully read the email. I opened a spreadsheet I was sent and thought the user wanted the report grouped on SIC or industry code. So I spent a few days writing this report. But it turns out that I didn't look at the users requirements carefully. Anyway a lot of wasted time and effort. I also didn't ask enough questions early enough. If you wait to ask a question sometimes it's too late. If you just meet someone it's okay to ask them their name a week later. But if you've known them for three years and don't know their name it's hard to ask.

My boss asked me a question he often asks "When is it going into production?" I didn't know but IM'd Caoilte in Ireland and he told me Sept.

Boss was angry with me because it's taking too long in his mind to complete the report. I sent him a sample two days ago and he failed to look at it and finally told me after wasting two days that I was doing it wrong. MFAH!


The popular news that past few days was about a guy who shot a reporter and cameraman on live TV, took video and posted it to Twitter.

50 people died in Austria on a truck, seemed to be people from Libya trying to relocate.


My weight is at 163.4 and I'm behind my weight goal by a couple of pounds. Had Carvel last night. Blood sugar was around 100 both times I tested it. Foot hurts still but I walked my 4 miles from work. Feeling a little lonely. My bad eyesight is bothering me. I think my high blood sugar is contributing to my eyesight. I have blurry vision and see floaters.

WOAD - Wisdom of a Dad

I realized that the book doesn't flow well and there's a lot of work left to proofread it. I'm wondering why I should spend another minute on it and I'm not sure I should. But my goal is to present my son with the book bound and professionally looking. Website could use some improvement. This morning I worked on the favicon for the site. I think I used the site Editing the book has become a chore and is pretty boring.

I've been taking more pictures with the idea for the cover to be pictures of the different wisdom in the book, sort of like a Mr. Brainwash Picture.

I've put a list on my phone of the most important concepts for success. They are unordered:

  1. Learn from bad behavior. I didn't like the way my boss treated me, I hope I don't treat people this way
  2. Do the opposite of bad behavior
  3. Study failure and correct what went wrong
    1. I screwed up at work today, how can I prevent this from happening
  4. Have a process or checklist
    1. What questions to ask user when developing a report
  5. Alarms
  6. Have a team. No one ever built anything of use by themself
  7. PURGE - Prioritize Ur Goals Everyday
  8. Working overtime
  9. Habits
  10. Goals
  11. Time balance
  12. Feedback
  13. Deadlines
  14. Measure
  15. Don't Quit
  16. Be Curious
  17. FTAD - Finish Then Add Details
  18. Read nonfiction
  19. Automate
  20. Fud wud ug wug - If you do what you've done you get what you got. Change
  21. Success comes from spending time on something
  22. Buy or build tools
  23. Write
  24. Follow up

MIT - Most Important Task
I was thinking about what my most important task is and I'm not sure. I think it may be to just balance my time between the 3 goals (3G) L$F - Longevity, $ecurity and Fun.

I use the words "stuff" and "thing" too often. My book is organized poorly. Some of the issues: I was thinking of using a number scheme

  1. Flow of book.
    1. It's like a comedian telling jokes but not connecting them.
  2. Duplicate content
    1. I say the same think 3 - 4 times

I was wondering how my time is spent at work between the various software I work on:

  • Excel
  • VBA
  • SQL
  • Python
  • Debugging


I feel like I'm not having enough fun. I walked through Little Italy today and passed many bars and the people inside all seemed to be having a good time.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Aug. 26, 2015

4:05 A.M and I up again. Had to pee and wife was snoring.

XD - Excel Diet

I ate okay yesterday, very low carb. BPC +Bulletproof coffe for breakfast, two questbars for lunch, nuts and low cal grape drink for a snack and for dinner tuna with seeds and pistachios and some cheese. Walked almost 18,000 steps.

POD - Principle of Day

Each day I randomly select a focus from a list of key principles I keep in a spreadsheet. Yesterday's was FOCUS. I take the principle and create an image using pbrush.exe (Paint brush software). I then show it on my desktop to remind me.

I'd like to have a better way to turn an idea into money as I haven't yet done this. I have a few books that could help. From Idea to Success , $100 Startup, and The 22 Immutable Laws of BRANDING. are on my bookshelf that I've read but know need to implement.

I had 2 downloads of the XD (Excel Diet) spreadsheet yesterday. I'm over 100 so this could be the opportunity to focus on.

I had a few new ideas and I'm not sure to work on them or to work on something else. I could also DAMAGE (Don't Ask Me Ask Google Everything) on how to go from idea to money

Why I've failed with my previous ideas?

Here is a list of reasons, maybe excuses why I've failed.
  1. Twixcel - Twitter automation because Twitter changed the API so software stopped working.
  2. No one knows about the idea
  3. If someone does know I'm not following up
  4. I'm not charging for any of my content
  5. I get excited, work on project, slow my work and then move on to next project
  6. I haven't committed any cash to an idea
  7. I haven't gotten any feedback
  8. I'm working solo
  9. I have a job so I can only work on my ideas in my spare time

I worked on Wisdom of a Dad on train in morning and afternoon and at lunch and at night. I'm editing the book which is pretty boring. I've noticed that there are still many typos, duplicate content. I'm still adding content to it which is bad. I'll never finish if I keep doing this, so unless the content is earth shattering I'll keep the idea in a separate place, maybe in my blog.

Walked Lola with Cheryl and Max. Lola almost ran into street at Hollywood park after I took her off leash,. I screamed, "LOLA STOP" and she did. I've been thinking about how I dealt with neighbor with a dog. I was correcting the husband because he was holding his dog's leash too tight when around my dog. A few days later I saw his wife and she didn't remember me but she would up letting my and Lola into her back yard. Her dog Riley is a puppy but was very aggressive and excited with Lola. Lola already had a play date with Stella. When we got home she was panting very hard and was even shaking a little.

She just went through a phase of not eating her food.


Worked on creating trade blotter in Python. After 2 weeks to a month awaiting permission, I set up a meeting with Anudeep and Ivan to chat about the method to get the data to be merged into our online Risk system. Ivan doesn't shet up. He's one of those people that my saying "I'm smart enough to know I'm not that smart."

Work was fun. I even worked late which I haven't done for a while. Boss finally said hello to me which is pissing me off. One of the reasons I worked late is that I have my car back.

Walked from work with Evan. He was stressed because he had to work on a project for Debby who is his boss's boss.

I merged Shortcuts to my main spreadsheet at work.

Max was sick last night but felt better today. Nigel had his first day of school today. I hope it went well.

Cheryl saw neighbor walking her dog and was afraid that neighbor would criticize what she was wearing as she's done it before.


My blood sugar has been good for me the last couple of days all under 100. 82 at 8 pm. 92 at 8:30 am. 

I walked 17,900 steps which is 7.9 miles according to Walk Logger app on my phone.

  1. Declutter - Desk is messy
  2. W < 160
  3. I2$ - Turn an Idea into money
  4. WOAD - Wisdom of a Dad
  5. bs = 83
  6. No foot pain
  7. accessing SQL Server
  8. Read books I have, especially library books
  9. Add content to Twixcel spreadsheet
  10. Learn the Hanukah song on the Guitar

Messy desk


Stocks bounced back yesterday in the morning and dropped near the close yesterday. It's my understanding that the close tells you what the big investors are doing. I don't know if this is true or not. Here is the chart.

Dow Chart

I'm thinking that the market up at the close would be a buying signal.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Aug. 24, 2015

At home my son Nigel is away at college, we dropped him off 2 days ago. I miss him a lot. I feel an emptiness and miss all the little things we did together from just helping me sweep up the dirt in front of the house to seeing him each day. I miss the way he would play with Lola and I want to try to get Max to do the same. Max came home from a Jet practice at Hofstra and got 11 signatures but didn't pet Lola. I asked him to and he did.

We took the dog to a dog park in Massapequa and no dogs were there. Lola sniffed around for a while and then we walked a little and left.

Had dinner at a outdoor place that's hard to find with Cheryl and Lola. Had a chicken wrap and a beer and blood sugar was at 144. Now that Nigel is in college I have to fix my health.

Earlier in the day I walked Lola to her friend Stella's house. I did it completely off leash. It's a short walk. I've been practicing with Lola going down stairs with me. She's not allowed to go until I go. If she does I give her a correction.  I've been working on leaving the curb. She's not allowed to leave curb and go into the street until I do. I can even fake it and she knows to wait for me. She's a very smart girl.


I watched wrestling with Max. We watched the Undertaker vs Brock Lesner. I predicted that the Undertaker would win. Since Brock won the first contest if the Undertaker wins the second fight they could have a rematch. The fight ended in a surprising way. Brock got the Undertaker in a submission move and the Undertaker tapped out. The ref didn't see it because he was checking for a pin. The bell rang but the ref said there was no tap out as he didn't see it. While the ref was talking to the bell keeper, the Undertake knocked Brock in the nuts, and then put him in a submission move. Brock didn't tap out but gave the Undertaker the middle finger. Brock eventually passed out and the the ref stopped the fight at that time.

At 50 years old it's pretty amazing that the Undertaker could wrestle. There was another match Kevin Owen vs. a Flying Scotish Guy. I was surprised that the KO won as he's fat and out of shape.

WOAD - Wisdom of a Dad

I worked on the book trying to organize the chapter on Success which in the table of contents went from page 40 to 105. It was very boring and difficult to do this. I'm thinking if there's a way to monetize the book. 
I worked a little on the cover and it needs work.
 I'm not ready to spend money on it.

Go the website to use Sql Server in a little over an hour but it was just a sample program.

While developing the code I got a -2147217843 error This login failed because the password to server login(user) fails. The problem was caused by the password having single quotes around it but it didn't need any password.


I mowed the lawn and walked a little yesterday, but my left ankle by the Achilles tendon still hurts. I played tennis 2 days ago against Max and beat him 6 - 0. I want to start working out with weights but don't yet have a plan. I woke up at 4 AM to pee and thinking about website.


Story in News yesterday about 3 guys that saved a train from a crazy Muslim I think, they didn't really say that, with an AK47 and lot's of ammo. This happened in France.

Reading a story in the Generational Dynamics blog about Obamacare and the Fraud that was committed by John Xenakis.


Big losses on Friday, Market was down 530 points. 

ASP Code

<title>My First ASP Page
<body bgcolor="white" text="black">
'test access to database
' from
'Dimension variables
Dim adoCon         'Holds the Database Connection Object
Dim rsGuestbook    'Holds the recordset for the records in the database
Dim strSQL         'Holds the SQL query to query the database

'Create an ADO connection object
on error resume next
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
if err <> 0 then
 response.write( err & " " & err.description)
end if
response.write( "after adocon


'Set an active connection to the Connection object using a DSN-less connection
on error resume next

response.write("connecting to sql server")
'adoCon.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../access_db/xd.mdb") 

err = " & err & " " & err.description & "


on error resume next
response.write("connecting to odorDBuser2")
adoCon.Open "Driver={SQL Server};Server=<server name got from Godaddy>;Database=odorDBuser2;Uid=odorDBuser2;Pwd=*********;"

err = " & err & " " & err.description & "


'Create an ADO recordset object
Set rsGuestbook = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

'Initialise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database
strSQL = "select * from test_table;"

'Open the recordset with the SQL query 
rsGuestbook.Open strSQL, adoCon

'Loop through the recordset 
Do While not rsGuestbook.EOF 

    'Write the HTML to display the current record in the recordset 
    Response.Write ("

    Response.Write (rsGuestbook("test_one")) 
    Response.Write ("

    Response.Write (rsGuestbook("test_two")) 
    Response.Write ("


    'Move to the next record in the recordset 

x = int(rnd() * 100)
response.write("x = " & x)
on error resume next
strSQL = "insert into test_table values('xyz'," & x & ",'zzz')"
response.write("strSQL = " & strSQL)
rsGuestbook.Open strSQL, adoCon

err = " & err & " " & err.description & "

 'Reset server objects
Set rsGuestbook = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing


Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Aug. 18, 2015

I'm on vacation and today is Nigel's last day home before going away to college.

Trying to finish up book. I'm thinking about FWUS (Finish What U Start). I've been having problems getting the headers and footers to format properly. I've wasted a lot of time trying to fix this. I can't believe that this is so hard in Word. This should be simple. Anyway, I've decided to remove the odd-even headers to focus on finishing the book.

I was supposed to FTAD (Finish Then Add Details) but this idea is like "Buy low sell high." Seems simple but hard to implement.

I tried to book a shooting range but couldn't find one. Seems like there's a business opportunity here.


Terrorist attack in Indonesia, 22 people killed, 110 injured. Video of person planting knapsack under a bench that blew up near a Hindu shrine.

Hillary Clinton's emails are in question. She kept her emails on a private server instead of a gov't server while serving as Secretary of State.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Aug. 12, 2015

It's 3:20 AM and I'm at the computer. It's the 31st year of my first wedding anniversary. I'm not sure that I should put her name in here. I wonder what happened with her? I know she had breast cancer, got married to a social studies teacher but not much more.

I finally finished my second pass edit of Wisdom of a Dad. I printed the book to a pdf format. It turns out that the table of contents is too big at 18 pages. I need to spend some time better organizing the book.


Last night for dinner I had 3 slices of pizza, marshmallows on cookies. When I tested my blood sugar it was an awful 215. Yikes. I started exercising upon awakening it was down to 135. I also had a 5 hour energy shot at around 6 pm (not sure).

Didn't exercise much prior to the blood sugar spike. I'm thinking how I hate my doctor because he refused to prescribe me Metformin, which is a blood sugar lowering drug that +Bulletproof guy takes and is suppose to be a good drug with low side affects and anti-aging properties.

I walked home > 3 miles for exercise.


I'm looking at a book Performing Under Pressure by Weisinger and Pawliw-Fry. Has a 5* rating on Amazon, and browsed a few pages. Looks interesting. The book opens with how couples deal with Pressure the number 1 way to predict whether couple will get a divorce. It also states that there is no such thing as athletic clutch performance.


Explosion in China
Isis beheads someone else

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Aug. 11, 2015

Woke up to pee and I thought I should get up to work on book Wisdom of a Dad. I decided last night to work from home after seeing the weather forecast prediction of rain.


At 4:30 had a meeting with group of people on some data sent to the Fed. My boss's boss and I and 3 others were on the conference call. I wanted to record the call on our system at work but didn't. Dubby is very smart and knows so much about how we do things. She has an understanding of the data and systems. At first Manuel wanted to meet with me without Dubby, but it would have been a waste of time.

I'd like to find out how Dubby got her knowledge.

I walked 3 miles from Wall Street to Penn Station. Was sweating extremely at Penn Station waiting for the train to Hicksville which was switched from track 13 it's normal track to track 14.

My wife who usually drives me to the station, dropped the car off for me because she went to the city for a Cornell meeting with my son. I brought my dog to the station and walked her. She was very scared due to a black guy with a deep and booming voice cursing with anger into his cell phone. When my family came down the stairs she pepped up and got back to normal.

Having a clear goal makes decisions very simple. My goal is to finish my book Wisdom of a Scott. I feel tired and want to take a nap but I could take a 5 hour energy shot and continue working on the book.


I read an article about the Bulletproof coffee not being safe. The author said that we didn't evolve to eat that much fat and the diet was missing nutrients since you're basically skipping breakfast. This made some sense to me as I'm thinking about trying something different after my book project is finished.


I was pretty unaware of the news yesterday but I think there are problems in Ferguson, Missouri due to the anniversary to the shooting of an unarmed black youth by the police. Someone shot at the police and they fired back.  There has been a lot of these types of shootings lately.


Dow was up 241 points to 17,615. I'm mostly in cash since the big run up and have money with HSGFX which has done terribly. My big fear is that I'll move money out of his fund, the market will crash.

China devalued it's currency by 2%.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Aug. 9,2015

Started listening to +Sam Harris podcast last night The Virtues of Cold Blood - A Conversation with Paul Bloom. Maybe one day he'll run for political office. If you haven't read or seen anything by him, DAMAGE (Don't Ask Me Ask Google Everything).

Up at 6 am as I had trouble sleeping last night. I had a 5 hour energy short at around 9 PM. So I could stay up for the Tom Cruise Mission Impossible movie.

The movie was okay, with great special effects. I noticed something about China Productions and Alibaba Films mentioned. My son also told me that it had very good ratings on Rotten Tomatoes. I'm wondering if the ratings was gamed  by the Chinese.

At the movie I was hungry and didn't want to eat the popcorn, so I bought a hot dog with mustard. I skipped the bun and there was no mustard with the hot dog.

Today we're having a get together with family. My plan is one hour on Wisdom of a Dad and one hour cleaning.

I found out this morning that I lost the domain I checked and it looks like I ignored the emails from Godaddy. A little pissed off that I lost it, but it may be for the best. I wanted to sell short 4 character domains but haven't been able to. sell them.

I'm being asked by my computer to upgrade to Windows 10 today, but I'm hesitant because of fear that it may cause issues with my computer. Also it doesn't align with my MIG (Most Important Goal) which is to finish the book Wisdom of a Dad.


I get a call from work on my cell and I can barely understand the women's Indian accent, so I have to stop what I'm doing and get online at 9:02 am. At 9:20 am I'm done. There are two machines and the services need to be manually started by running at bat file from the Desktop.

In the news

In stocks



My weight was 163.4 this morning. I weigh myself everyday and am trying to get below 160 lbs. which has eluded me. I'm not sure how well I do tonight as my family is coming over and we're serving pizza. I've noticed that I could have willpower for hours but then something will push me over the edge. One thing against me is that I'm in the green on my Excel Diet. This means I can eat whatever I want. 



My goals remain the same from yesterday

  • Finish writing book Wisdom of a Dad
  • Set up the new website I've gotten
  • Get into a habit of 1/1 which is 1 hour long term goal and 1 hour short term goal. I may want to do 1 hr/.5 hrs. switches.
  • Make more usable especially for new users
  • Declutter and clean up the house
  • W < 160 lbs.
  • Lower my Blood Sugar
  • Resolve my foot pain

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Aug. 8th 2015

Spent a good 4 hours working on BFN - Book for Nigel as he's leaving for college in a few weeks. I changed the title today from Wisdom of a Scott to Wisdom of a Dad.

This project hasn't been that exciting and I've spent a lot of time on it. I've been writing on the train in the morning. At lunch hour at work and train in the evening and also when I get home.

Sat outside on my deck an wrote. Very enjoyable. My dog Lola was there by my side. She's so wonderful. And to think I use to be afraid of dogs. It's a beautiful day outside, low humidity. The crickets are very loud and I have to prepare for party for tomorrow. We're having my relatives over to say goodbye to Nigel who will be going to Cornell. I'm very proud of him and will miss him.

Time goes by so fast. I remember the day he was born. I hope I've been a good father to him.

I feel good today. Had my Bulletproof coffee for breakfast. My current goal is BFN. And this has helped me make decisions on what to do. It helps a lot to have a deadline as if I want to finish the book I have to focus on it. I've skipped walking to work and having lunch with people because it's against my MIG - Most Important Goal.

Did the lawn. Picked up the poop. Tested Cheryl's blood sugar and it was 69. Pretty tired now. Will continue working on book.  Already cleaned the dishes. I felt like my blood sugar was low and it was 94. I ate some cheese, nuts and diet grape drink.

Took dog over to Stella's house for a play date.

Watered the lawn and a baseball catch with Nigel, my son, went shopping for chips, beer and soda and took a one hour nap.

I acquired the domain Tonight have plans to see Mission Impossible movie.

I took Lola out for a walk and we saw 2 cats and 4 dogs. Lola seemed afraid of the cats as they were on leashes and they weren't afraid of her. One of the dogs, was small with a Russian woman, growled and after smelling Lola, I asked if he was friendly to owner and he lunged at me and it scared me. There was an Irish Setter with an elderly guy and the dog was barking at us and pulling the owner. I didn't think he could control the dog well so we avoided them. We saw a fluffy dog behind a fence who Lola smelled but the dog growled at me. I squatted next to the fence with my back facing the dog, which I saw Cesar Millan do and it worked in calming the dog. I let him smell a treat I had, but didn't give it to him.We then saw a guy on the sidewalk who freaked out my dog. He was in a tee shirt and shorts and was looking at his phone. When Lola is freaked out her ears go way behind her head. We then saw a small white fluffy dog that kept barking at us. Lola laid down on the grass. I didn't approach because there were 4 women talking.

In the news

  • Jon Stewart did his last Daily Show on Comedy Central Network
  • The republican debate took place on FOX network with 24 million viewers
  • Donald Trump was very entertaining.I think people are sick of politicians and like his honesty and political incorrectness

In stocks

  • Planet Fitness had their IPO. I can't see how this is a viable business that charges $10 a month for members. 


I came up with the acronym PURGE - Prioritize yoUR Goals Everyday. Another recent acronym was DAMAGE - Don't Ask Me Ask Google Everything.


My weight was 163.6 this morning. I'm having trouble getting below 160 lbs. I've been on a low carb diet for a while. My blood sugar hasn't been great. One strange thing I've noticed is that the Oreo Questbars raised my blood sugar to 154, but the Smores only to 101. I'm wondering the cause of this. Didn't walk that much this week. Still having foot pain.

Found a bunch of videos while looking for +Tim Ferriss, I found Tim Ferriss's Top 10 Rules for Success by Evan Carmichael. It was done very well and worth watching.


I'm currently reading Sam Harris's book "The Moral Landscape." I recently finished "Waking Up" by Sam. excellent book also.


Some Other upcoming goals I have are:
  • Make more usable especially for new users
  • Declutter and clean up the house
  • W < 160 lbs.
  • Lower my Blood Sugar
  • Resolve my foot pain