Up at 3 AM due to my wife's snoring and maybe due to getting up to go to the bathroom. I've been having trouble sleeping lately.
I was getting pain in my left Achilles heel and bought a device at
Paragon Sports called the
Pro-Tec Achilles Tendon Support. I was surprised to find that it worked. The pain is gone this is a freakin miracle. I've tried so many different things but this worked. I was limping for a long time and just stopped. I can run without pain. If you have this kind of pain give it a try.
At Paragon's they were selling Canada Goose coats and I found one that cost $1300. That's a lot for a coat.
The summer is semi-officially over with the passing of Labor day. But the temp is supposed to be in the 90's and maybe break a record.
I'm missing my son who is in college. At least I spoke with him last night. Sounds like he's having a good time and his classes aren't that difficult.
I'm a little pissed off that I wasn't invited to my friends 60th birthday. I go on Facebook and see a post from my friend with a picture of his birthday cake and a number of friends around him. I thought he was a good friend of mine but I guess it's not mutual.
Blood Sugar
I have a goal to lower my blood sugar. I'm trying to do more accurate tests to see what works and what doesn't. One of the things I want to start doing is charting my BS trend. Also I want to lift weights or maybe join the Citibike program. These are the blue bikes you see everywhere in NYC. I've been hesitant to do it due to the frustration I've had with the program in the past. I worry that I'll have to wait for a bike, won't find a place to park it, etc.
One new rule I have is if I have pizza I can't eat ice cream as this will throw my bs too high. Also in the past if I had junk food I'd have as much as possible but it appears that the more junk I have the higher my bs will go. My highest measured was 215 after a lot of sweets. A 5 hour energy shot may have contributed but I'll have to do some testing
For fun I'm thinking of testing a snickers bar and other foods for breakfast. Today I'll test one questbar each day of the week to get some baseline information. My morning walk doesn't appear to lower my blood sugar. My bs seems lower if I don't walk. I think it may be due to being dehydrated but I'm not sure.
Continued moving the website to SQL server. I spent 2-3 hours with an error 500. The cause was a missing " (quote). This is very frustrating.
Excel Diet
My weight hit 165 yesterday, due to eating out. It's so difficult to lose weight. Last night I went out for dinner to Friday's to celebrate the end of summer. I had nacho's, "500" calorie meal and some nachos with cheese. I've been off the Bulletproof coffee for a week and I didn't do that well while on it. This morning it was 163.4. I plan to continue walking both ways from and to work and count calories keeping it around 1500 per day. My first goal is to get my trendline heading downwards. My chart could use a moving average or a smaller trendline.
I'm not sure if it will help with your diet but testing my blood sugar has shown me how bad carbs are and I'll be adding a new chapter to my book
The 69 Immutable Laws of Weight Loss
Wisdom of a Dad
Did some editing of the book. I think I'll try to spend an hour a day on the book. My goal is to get blatant typos removed and update the pdf one time per week. Please take a look at this someday
bestseller and tell me what you think.
Home Chores
- Mowed the lawn
- Watered the grass, but hose broke
- Vacuumed the leaves
- Put away dishes and loaded dishwasher
- Cleaned out a box of junk
- Picked up the poop
Solving the quote problem felt good but the pain of finding it wasn't worth it. I'm wondering why I even need Listi? How does it make my life more fun?
Problems are Opportunities
The 500 error problem due to a missing quote. I might pay for a debugger if the offer was from the 500 Error page.
- Could offer a business that fixes these or prevents these from occurring
- Could have program that looks for standard issues
- Could have web host display the syntax error instead of the 500 message
- Could convert databases from Microsoft Access to SQL server
Book I'm reading
$100 Start up
Key Principle of the Day
MYOB - My Own Business.
Achilles heel protector that I bought at Paragon's Sports
Blogger that it's not easy to create headings and text, I hate the extra steps. The interface for
+Blogger doesn't appear to have changed in many years. It's missing some basic functionality that would make it easier to use. I guess it's free.
I hate that I can barely eat ice cream and pizza in one day. Eating just one of these foods has been elevating my blood sugar. I think I read somewhere that my body might not be use to the high carbs but if I ate more carbs my blood sugar wouldn't spike.
My tweets could use a picture as it appears that pictures do better. I should always include a link otherwise what's the point of tweeting. I'd like to do some more A/B testing on my tweets. I'd also like to identify the best time for tweeting. I'd also like to automate the process more.
I heard we broke a record in NYC for the most consecutive days of over 80 degrees at 61.
Bernie Sanders has surpassed
+Hillary Clinton in the primary polls for New Hampshire.
Listi.net and ASP Debugging
Spent a few hours trying to find cause
I had to use a binary search to find the issue which turns out to be a missing quote. I tried the Excel VBA method. You take your ASP code and paste it to the VB Editor to help find error 500, but it fixes the issue by adding the missing quote. So next time I find that there is a 500 error and Excel doesn't show me the issue then it must be a missing quote at the end of a statement. The error also occurred in code that I just changed, but for some reason I couldn't see the issue. There is also a very easy way to find these errors if I run the code locally in internet explorer and turn off friendly errors.
I'm angry about the time wasted and how boring it was to find it. As always problems are obvious in hindsight. It's time to set up a 500 error checklist.
Finding Syntax Errors
Many times a syntax error is caused by mismatched quotes, parenthesis or if and else end statements. An easy way to find them is to number if-then-else statements.
if ..... then
if ... then
end if
if .... then
end if
end if
end if
by number the if's else's end's with a comment you can easily find where you went wrong:
if ..... then ' 1
if ... then ' 2
else ' 2
end if ' 2
if .... then ' 2
else ' 2
end if '2
end if ' 1 <--- this is the extra one
end if '0
With parenthesis or quotes you can do the same thing.
Just write a number on the line below for each parenthesis until you find the mismatched on