Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Shortcuts - Ctrl+Shift+.....

I remember working on a computer with a co-worker named Kenny Eng about 15 years ago. He said, "If you're not using shortcuts you're wasting time." He showed me a few shortcuts in Microsoft Word to go to the next word and select the whole word, Ctrl+right arrow and Ctrl+Shift+Right Arrow.

Today, I can't tell you how valuable that lesson was. It is especially useful for when you do something over and over again.

The main problem you will find are your habits. Don't use shortcuts and your wasting time. Breaking the habits which can be difficult and you'll save time in the long run. You should learn these slowly one at a time. Look them up here if you don't remember and try a new one each day.

The following are the main shortcuts I use:


The following shortcuts work on most windows, browsers and software.

Alt key - Press hold to see if there are any shortcuts associated with it.Excel has many useful keys 
  • Alt+F4 - Close window
  • Alt+Tab - Next Window
  • Alt+F - File menu
  • Alt+Space+N - Minimize window
  • Alt+Enter - A new line within an Excel cell
Ctrl Key
  • Ctrl+A - Select All 
  • Ctrl+C - Copy to clipboard - 
  • Ctrl+X - Cut - 
  • Ctrl+V - Paste - 
  • Ctrl+Z -  Undo - 
  • Ctrl+F - Find - 
  • Ctrl+Home - go to top
  • Ctrl+End - go to the end
  • Ctrl+Right Arrow - Next Word
  • Ctrl+Left Arrow - Prev Word

Use computer without a mouse. This is difficult but will quickly teach you how to get around without a mouse.

Other keys
  • Esc - Escape to close dialogs
  • Enter - to press default button on a dialog
  • Shift - Hold down to do a multi-select of items
  • Ctrl - Hold down to select multiple non-continuous items
  • Windows 
    • D - hides windows and shows the desktop
    • R - brings up the run Dialog
    • L - locks computer

Other Actions

  • Hover - Placing your cursor over a control will show the shortcuts
  • Underscore - The underscore tells you that Alt+U in this case will run the shortcut

Saturday, September 19, 2015

September 19th 2015

I decided today to walk the Highline right away I noticed the amount of construction going on the High Line is beautiful and makes me feel good I'm really liking it
There are places to sit beautiful plants nice pleasant owners of the dance the genius of whoever thought of this is amazing my walk in the morning butter when I come down the hotline
What is the highlight is a lot of noise from construction now and scaffolding this something very peaceful here amongst all the noise I passed the brass monkey which has a rooftop bar
And that the trip goes to a close I'm approaching and passing through the repacking district maybe one day they'll extended bold way to Wall Street
I decide to walk down along the West Side Highway in the water is a cross over to Riverside Park I get the first glimpse of the Freedom Tower
There are many joggers in Riverside Park the days a little more warm specially for September 19th leave the jungle solo. Lot of people walking the dog the Parkers all week down 2 Wall Street cast the Freedom Tower and it's a very pretty place pretty safe but I would stay out of it at night time if I wasn't familiar with the area
Along the water there are many piercings look at it into the river people exercising have to David and delightful it just me or are they just get a twinge of meeting it makes me forget about work it really isn't that bad consider alternatives it's about houses on the next year
I guess a place on Christopher where I had my bachelor party can't remember the name
It's called Hudson River Park which makes sense because it separates New York aqfrom New Jersey blogger frustrates me because I would like to take pictures while talking but it's difficult in a lot of switching yes back I remember you say same place on a weekend and it was full of game in hanging out probably in the eighties I'm at Pier 40 over there are many boats docked there's also a dog park it
The two minutes there about HR is a minute and they said to come in waves I would say most of women
A woman dreams super boxing dreams can I see a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty out in the water
Favorite of mine is there is a wooden boardwalk that's very relaxing I'm a new woman go buy an electric skateboard both on the same one and the guy fishes Chinese cooking at 10:32 no
There are few homeless people in the park that's it don't seem to be aggressive mostly sleeping at this time which is about 9 a.m.
It's amazing how noisy the streets are from the car traffic Battery Park baseball and soccer field on Western and Lawrence
Its called West Street that was in high school beach volleyball Battery Park City Barnes and Noble Bed Bath and Beyond how to read the street signs 4 hour parking on West Street by your bike path community college grocers Davidson 8 a.m. 7 p.m. Sundays Whole Foods

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Thinker's Block on a Walk Through NYC

Companies are constantly going out of business I see new ones popping up old ones closing. No one opens a business and thinks it will fail but most do. According to 55% fail after 5 years.

It's a very humid morning and I decide to walk 3 - 4 miles to work I see a dog pooping and realized my son figured out that if the tail is straight dog's pooping and if the tails curved the dog is peeing.

I realized that stepping out of your zone of comfort means going against habits and that's why it's hard. 

Beautiful architecture 14th & 8th
So I start on my morning walk from Penn Station to Fulton street. There's not much to see between 31st and 23rd street. There's some beautiful architecture on 8th Ave. and 14th street. On 8th Avenue and James Street one block south of 14th I pass some very beautiful flowers and a  crazy guy appears to be yelling at somebody. I'm trying to put my thoughts on the paper but of course the act of trying it means I'm not thinking of anything to write.
Pretty flowers

Whitehorse Tavern
I pass the White Horse Tavern on Hudson Street. I think it's one of the oldest bars in New York City. The prices are very reasonable last time I was there the food was very good.

and you can sit outside on picnic tables. It might not be a good choice if the weather is too hot or too cold.

Bagel Store
Streets and sidewalks are very empty at this time just before 8 a.m. to 9 am. I pass a bagel shop and feel sad that I can't have one because of what it does to my blood sugar. It's on Christopher and Hudson.

I pass a guy with a dog and wasn't sure what kind it was. I wanted to ask him but stopped because he was wearing headphones. I pass outdoor sidewalk cafes that would be nice to have breakfast at on Barrow and Hudson.  Hudson is the street Eighth Ave. goes into and some of the streets are very pretty.

I pass a vacant lot that looks like it's getting ready for construction I'm amazed at how the plants can grow anywhere or as they like to call them weeds.

There's an interesting chocolate store on Hudson and Charlton and they always doing construction in the city.
Pretty Streets

At Spring Street and Hudson the Freedom Tower pops up behind the buildings.

Near Hudson and Canal there is a Classic Car Club and a nice little park called Freeman Plaza.

Right off of Canal a  restaurant called American Flatbread looks like it recently closed.

On my way home at 5 p.m. I pass an interesting building on Lafayette and White Street

As I walk up Lafayette there is an interesting building off of Grand near Lafayette which i think is now a police station. There is a restaurant/bar called O'Neill's where I've heard some scenes from Sex in the City took place.

I pass some stencil art on a building in Lafayette. 

Blue Man Group tube show is on Lafayette near Astor Place and a place called Joe's Pub is across the street.

Lafayette goes into 4th Avenue and there is a pool hall Amsterdam billiards and bar which you should call ahead to make sure there's no leagues taking over all the tables.

 also right next door is the post from a few Seinfeld episodes.
Post office from the Seinfeld TV show

The is also an interesting costume store and used book store on the west side of 4th Ave.
This costume store is open year round

Small bookstore
A few blocks away is Strand bookstore which is on 13th and Broadway, one block to the left. If you make a left off of 4th Avenue Union Square Park is a nice park will be on your left side as you walk up 4th Avenue and you can see the MetLife building what used to be the PanAm building.

People lounging on the perimeter of Union Square Park
Bathroom on North East Side of Union Square park
View looking up Park Ave.
Great Barnes and Noble bookstore
Restaurant on the North side of Union Square Park. Only open during the nice weather
Great sporting goods store Paragon on Broadway

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sept. 8, 2015

Up at 3 AM due to my wife's snoring and maybe due to getting up to go to the bathroom. I've been having trouble sleeping lately.

I was getting pain in my left Achilles heel and bought a device at Paragon Sports called the Pro-Tec Achilles Tendon Support. I was surprised to find that it worked. The pain is gone this is a freakin miracle. I've tried so many different things but this worked. I was limping for a long time and just stopped. I can run without pain. If you have this kind of pain give it a try.

At Paragon's they were selling Canada Goose coats and I found one that cost  $1300. That's a lot for a coat.

The summer is semi-officially over with the passing of Labor day. But the temp is supposed to be in the 90's and maybe break a record.

I'm missing my son who is in college. At least I spoke with him last night.  Sounds like he's having a good time and his classes aren't that difficult.

I'm a little pissed off that I wasn't invited to my friends 60th birthday. I go on Facebook and see a post from my friend with a picture of his birthday cake and a number of friends around him. I thought he was a good friend of mine but I guess it's not mutual.

Blood Sugar

I have a goal to lower my blood sugar. I'm trying to do more accurate tests to see what works and what doesn't. One of the things I want to start doing is charting my BS trend. Also I want to lift weights or maybe join the Citibike program. These are the blue bikes you see everywhere in NYC. I've been hesitant to do it due to the frustration I've had with the program in the past. I worry that I'll have to wait for a bike, won't find a place to park it, etc. 

One new rule I have is if I have pizza I can't eat ice cream as this will throw my bs too high. Also in the past if I had junk food I'd have as much as possible but it appears that the more junk I have the higher my bs will go. My highest measured was 215 after a lot of sweets. A 5 hour energy shot may have contributed but I'll have to do some testing

For fun I'm thinking of testing a snickers bar and other foods for breakfast. Today I'll test one questbar each day of the week to get some baseline information. My morning walk doesn't appear to lower my blood sugar. My bs seems lower if I don't walk. I think it may be due to being dehydrated but I'm not sure.

Continued moving the website to SQL server. I spent 2-3 hours with an error 500. The cause was a missing " (quote). This is very frustrating.

Excel Diet

My weight hit 165 yesterday, due to eating out. It's so difficult to lose weight. Last night I went out for dinner to Friday's to celebrate the end of summer. I had nacho's, "500" calorie meal and some nachos with cheese. I've been off the Bulletproof coffee for a week and I didn't do that well while on it. This morning it was 163.4. I plan to continue walking both ways from and to work and count calories keeping it around 1500 per day. My first goal is to get my trendline heading downwards. My chart could use a moving average or a smaller trendline.

I'm not sure if it will help with your diet but testing my blood sugar has shown me how bad carbs are and I'll be adding a new chapter to my book The 69 Immutable Laws of Weight Loss

Wisdom of a Dad

Did some editing of the book. I think I'll try to spend an hour a day on the book. My goal is to get blatant typos removed and update the pdf one time per week. Please take a look at this someday bestseller and tell me what you think. 

Home Chores

  • Mowed the lawn
  • Watered the grass, but hose broke
  • Vacuumed the leaves
  • Put away dishes and loaded dishwasher
  • Cleaned out a box of junk
  • Picked up the poop


Solving the quote problem felt good but the pain of finding it wasn't worth it. I'm wondering why I even need Listi?  How does it make my life more fun?

Problems are Opportunities

The 500 error problem due to a missing quote. I might pay for a debugger if the offer was from the 500 Error page. 
  • Could offer a business that fixes these or prevents these from occurring
  • Could have program that looks for standard issues
  • Could have web host display the syntax error instead of the 500 message
  • Could convert databases from Microsoft Access to SQL server
    • Book
    • Do it
    • Website

Book I'm reading

$100 Start up

Key Principle of the Day

MYOB - My Own Business. 


Achilles heel protector that I bought at Paragon's Sports 


Blogger that it's not easy to create headings and text, I hate the extra steps. The interface for +Blogger doesn't appear to have changed in many years. It's missing some basic functionality that would make it easier to use. I guess it's free. 

I hate that I can barely eat ice cream and pizza in one day. Eating just one of these foods has been elevating my blood sugar. I think I read somewhere that my body might not be use to the high carbs but if I ate more carbs my blood sugar wouldn't spike.


My tweets could use a picture as it appears that pictures do better. I should always include a link otherwise what's the point of tweeting. I'd like to do some more A/B testing on my tweets. I'd also like to identify the best time for tweeting. I'd also like to automate the process more.


I heard we broke a record in NYC for the most consecutive days of over 80 degrees at 61.

Bernie Sanders has surpassed +Hillary Clinton in the primary polls for New Hampshire. and ASP Debugging

Spent a few hours trying to find cause

I had to use a binary search to find the issue which turns out to be a missing quote. I tried the Excel VBA method. You take your ASP code and paste it to the VB Editor to help find error 500, but it fixes the issue by adding the missing quote. So next time I find that there is a 500 error and Excel doesn't show me the issue then it must be a missing quote at the end of a statement. The error also occurred in code that I just changed, but for some reason I couldn't see the issue.  There is also a very easy way to find these errors if I run the code locally in internet explorer and turn off friendly errors.

I'm angry about the time wasted and how boring it was to find it. As always problems are obvious in hindsight. It's time to set up a 500 error checklist.

Finding Syntax Errors

Many times a syntax error is caused by mismatched quotes, parenthesis or if and else end statements. An easy way to find them is to number if-then-else statements.
if ..... then
    if ... then
    end if
    if .... then
       end if
    end if
end if

by number the if's else's end's with a comment you can easily find where you went wrong:

if ..... then ' 1
    if ... then ' 2
    else ' 2
    end if ' 2
    if .... then ' 2
       else ' 2
       end if '2
    end if ' 1 <--- this is the extra one
end if '0

With parenthesis or quotes you can do the same thing.

Just write a number on the line below for each parenthesis until you find the mismatched on

Monday, September 7, 2015

22 Things I can do that Tim Ferriss can't or hasn't, I think

+Tim Ferriss is a great author, has a great podcast and is guy who seems like he can do everything. But I thought about and I'm sure I've done many things he's never done.
  1. Get married
  2. Get divorced
  3. Quadruple money invested in the stock market
  4. Father children
  5. Send a child to an Ivy league school
  6. Be an Expert at Microsoft Excel
  7. Play on his college hockey team
  8. Play ice hockey
  9. Perform 10 magic tricks
  10. Juggle 4 balls and flash 5
  11. Bite through the side of a beer can
  12. Open a bottle of beer with my teeth
  13. Work on Wall Street
  14. Walk over 2 million steps in a year
  15. Develop a website
  16. I've ridden a bicycle 210 miles in 18 hours
  17. I can play guitar (not very well)
  18. Roller Blade
  19. Be a twin
  20. Work for companies that are on or were on the Dow Jones Index
    1. Bank of America
    2. JP Morgan
    3. General Electric
    4. IBM
  21. Blow dry my hair
  22. Own a house in Nassau County
Is there anything you can do that Tim can't? Post below.

September 7th, 2015

I woke up at 7:00 AM today. Yesterday I went to a dog beach with my wife and dog. Worked on conversion. Ran a blood sugar test.

Blood Sugar

Had pizza for dinner. One slice of Buffalo chicken. My blood sugar (bs) hit 166 but may have gone higher. I thought I could have pizza but not candy or sweets. The problem is once I have pizza it sets me off to seek out other great tasting food. My wife went to the ice cream store 16 Handles but I didn't buy anything. I'm so glad. I tried to do so weight lifting, curls and presses and it didn't seem to lower my blood sugar. I was going to test my bs but I thought it was too high at 109. I'll wait 1/2 hour so it comes down before I test a Zone bar.


Worked on conversion to SQL Server and can finally see lists. Ran into issue with bit vs. boolean values, but resolved it by changing the code.

Excel Diet

Got a new user yesterday and was reading through the book. It's not that bad. I'm thinking of printing out a copy of it. I've been afraid to reach out to users and follow up with them. So far only one user reached out to me and I assume he failed his diet. 

I've stalled on my weight loss as I weighed 165 today, due to the Buffalo pizza yesterday.

Wisdom of a Dad

This project has stalled while I'm upgrading My next goal is to proofread the book but this is a daunting task as to the size of the book. You can see my progress at

Home Chores

Desk is pretty messy, I have to clean the poop and do the yard, boxes of stuff, garage.


This may be the most important goal of all. You want to have longevity and $ so you can have fun. I'm still looking for ways to have more fun. I like blogging but am not getting enough feedback to make it enjoyable. 

Problems are opportunities

I now have experience converting from access to sql server maybe a business possibility?

Overdue books. I keep running into this and could use a better/easier way to add books to some mechanism of reminding me to renew them.

Writing the book WOAD has been difficult and this could be a business or I could develop a tool to assist with the issues. 

Blogger doesn't support shortcut keys.

Could use a system to better analyze and improve my tweets to get more clicks on
  • What times are the best?
  • What copy gets the most tweets?
  • What if I do some A/B testing
My website getting a 500 error means there's an issue with the code. This is very difficult to find. I wish I had better version control and could easily identify what changes I make and to easily go back to a previous version.


I'm reading 2 books:
  1. $100 Startup (reread)
  2. The Power of Now

Key Principle

Today's key principle is Time Balance. 


Shortcuts in Excel. Learning from Blood Sugar Meter.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

September 6th, 2015 #Health, #NYC, #Questbar #Diabetes #BloodSugar


Blood Sugar test day 2 where I'm comparing change in blood sugar from 1 Smore's Questbar vs. Oreo Questbar. From previous tests I notice surprisingly that the Oreo raised my blood sugar much higher than the Smores.

Weight was up yesterday by 2.27 lbs. It seems like I eat one "bad" food and my weight goes up a lot. According to my Walk Logger app I walked 8,591 steps or 3.8 miles.

And the results of this one test.  Smore's bar is better than Oreo bar. I compared two different Questbars and tested my blood sugar in around 30 minute intervals. The adjust difference is adjusting the Smore scores up 5 points  and the difference is calculated. So the Oreo increased my blood sugar  10 points after 1/2 hour, 27 points after 1 hour, 10 points after 1.5 hours and the same at 2 hours. So my conclusion is to eat the Smore's over the Oreo bars. Some future tests will be to use 2 bars for comparison.

 OreoSmoreAdjusted difference
T+30 mins12010510
T+60 mins1279527
T+90 mins1129710
t+120 mins98930

Trip to New York City

Yesterday I went into New York City with family. We had Linner (Lunch and Dinner) at Foley's on 33rd between Fifth and Sixth Ave. It's also the Irish American Hall of Fame. My son heard about the place from reading Zach Hample's blog. He is the guy who is famous for catching over 8000 balls at baseball games.

We were there at around 3 PM and the restaurant was empty, but it has great baseball paraphernalia, including hundreds of signed baseballs, cards, bobble heads and chairs.

Afterwards, we walked down to Madison Square Park and got a shake at +SHAKE SHACK. There is an express line if you're not getting burgers.

We then proceeded to Strand Books where they have used and new books. I picked up 5 books for a cost of $19.05.

I have a policy that for each book that I buy I must get rid of two books. This is difficult for me but something I must do if I want to declutter my life.

Feng Shui is a way to place things in your house. I relate it to the way I feel when I walk down certain streets of Manhattan. Sometimes I feel good when there are lots of trees and pretty sights and other times I feel a negative energy to to dirt, ugly buildings and lack of trees. I'll probably never read this one but the concept seems interesting.

The Power of Now is a book that I'm interested in after reading +Sam Harris Waking Up, and is related to Buddhism and self-transcendence.

The Intelligent Investor is a classic investing book that I probably already have. I liked analyzing the stock market in the past and for $1.00 how could I not buy this.

Visual Design for the Modern Web is a book that is old but I could use help with my websites from a design point of view. I've wanted to have a better website, but that's a small piece of the puzzle in trying to make money from one of my ideas.

Concise Guide to Writing is because I'm trying to write and need help.

Current Projects

My current projects are:
  1. Upgrade to SQL Server
  2. Complete Wisdom of a Dad
  3. Declutter
  4. Read Library books I have
  5. Work on lowering my blood sugar

Note, that I had 4 books on dieting which I didn't buy.  


  • Refugees [from Syria] keep streaming to Europe
  • Iran - US Nuclear deal 
  • Women in Kentucky denies Marriage licences to same-sex couples and is in jail. Why wasn't she just fired? story

Saturday, September 5, 2015

September 5th, 2015


Happy to see my weight was finally down after eating like a bird and walking like a marathon walk racer. I weighed myself 3x. 161.4, 162.2, 162.2.  for an avg of 161.93 lbs. My goal is in sight of W<160.

The trick was to finally poop. I didn't want to write this but due to its importance I did. This is because you can get upset that what you're doing isn't working. So you want to look at trends in your weight and not just the number. By the way I lost 2.2 lbs. today but it may have been mostly poop.

Blood Sugar

I'm doing an actual blood sugar test this morning. I suspect that certain quest bars affect my blood sugar more than others. 

Test: Does the Cookies and Cream Questbar raise my blood sugar more than the Smores?

Time: Saturday 10:18 am BS = 100

Ate bar and drank a tea. Now it's possible that the tea will affect my blood sugar but the test against the other bar will use the same time. Time: 10:49 am BS = 120. Now that is higher than I expected. Tomorrow I'll do the same test with a Smores Questbar. In looking closely at the packages I notice that the Oreo has more fiber. 17G vs. 13G but lower "Net" Carbs. The "Net" carbs is the carbs from Sugar which is 1g Sugar and 2g Erythtritol. Below are the blood sugar numbers from my quest Oreo bar test.

9/5/2015 10:18 100
9/5/2015 10:45 120
9/5/2015 11:15 127
9/5/2015 11:45 112
9/5/2015 12:15 98


Bars and low carb foods. I'm looking for low carb foods but can't seem to find them. Is there a low carb flower that doesn't raise blood sugar? The bars should be larger and have less carbs in them. They shouldn't taste terrible but they don't have to taste great so that I can't stop eating them. Their main goal should be to stop me from being hungry for the lowest calories possible.


I'm getting annoyed that in Blogger if I want to set text as a heading it takes too many steps. I'd like a shortcut key to do this.

    "Don't complain create a solution"

This idea is definitely doable. I have to monitor a key combo, and do mouse positioning and clicking based on where the control is. This won't work all the time but it should work.

My Droid Turbo phone shows me how to turn on my flashlight by shaking it. So I try it and it works. But this is also something I do to turn on my phone. So I try to turn on camera but flashlight goes on and I don't know how to turn it off. I find that the flashlight app has a setting that allowed me to not turn on if I shake the phone.


Stock market dropped 272 points on Friday. I've been mostly in cash for the last 6 years and am pissed off that I missed the big advance. I have money in HGFSX - Hussman Growth Fund who's done horribly in the 6 year bull market.  I was pretty close to dumping him but felt I would feel horrible if the market crashed and he made money. The question of would I invest with him now would be a yes as he does better in bear markets than the stock market does. He's predicted a bear market just way too early.

And relative to the stock market I've done horribly. I wanted to split up money 1/3 S&P 1/3 Hussman and 1/3 my own trading, but never did it.
I was thinking about some pattern matching code for the market and maybe I should get back into analyzing the market. The problem is that I can't trade easily at work and must hold for 30 days.


Presidential candidates are in the news. I've decided I don't like Trump. What kind of president acts like an idiot when Megan Kelly asked him difficult questions. Seems like a bully. 

Hilary Clinton's email is still in the news 

There are a lot of stories on migrants from Syria entering Europe. I feel sorry for these people, but I wonder what type of affect this will have on these countries in the future. 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 3rd 2015

To today the Impractical Jokers we're hating a live show at the South Street Wrapper Westport Reality I walked by and it looks pretty cool I decided to walk up the water me the east side is a path that seems to go all the way up to 34th street and further for change of scenery is very interesting here really beautiful of water test Underwood bunch of bridges
The nice thing just to walk here it's mostly shave their son some places a lot of pensions very quiet not that many people just a nice work as long as the temperature is not too hot it's so close to 6 p.m. there's a lot of fields with soccer field the stadium baseball field
R time through the fence
I just rdwealize that the summer is over as I looked at the date said September 3rd I find it sad when this summer is over you remind me of having to go back to school at lunch today I spent a lot of rat u want ttime trying to work on the list converting to sequel server and had all sorts of problems I find it very boring tedious not fun I just over fist today send them my friend said when the summer is over reminds me of having to go to school have lunch today I spent a lot of fun trying to work on with but I have a few ideas on how to make it a little easier wants to use Excel more to find syntax errors another is to refactor the whole program I realized how smart it is to work on something without a debugger debugger I just saw a woman almost get hit by a bike rider s she was jogging and decided to make a you turn right in front of him he had to slam on his brakes I believe she's wearing headphones which probably distracted her.
Soul for real I said my goals are very important to know what they are and that you tell me what I should be doing so I have to make a decision when what ghost pursuit it's hard because none of them are standing out for outstanding certainly having more fun is one of them my job is pretty boring but at the same time I get paid well don't have that much pressure and stress level is relatively low compared to other jobs but I would love to create something actually I've already created plenty of things that's up to sell something is created and make a lot of money walking in this new path shows me how boring my current work is really pretty here auto parts swings people seem very happy
The walk is walking bathrooms maybe and places to get food or snacks
The past becomes very skinny and you have to be careful of those bike riders and pedestrians and so now I'm actually can see a nice view of the city from here
So the question becomes do I really have to make money to enjoy them life just sitting at my computer it's over but I really want to do for fun.