Saturday, November 19, 2016

Why you Should Always Back into a Parking Spot

Arguments for backing in to a parking spot

  1. At a baseball game or sporting event
    1. It's pretty clear that getting out of a parking spot is difficult in a crowded parking lot and most people intuitively know to back in. Trying to back out of a spot can be very difficult when cars are blocking your path. Visibility is so limited in cars that they've included backup cameras in them
  2. It's easier to get into tight spots
    1. Once you learn to back in it's easier as your car can make sharper turns going backwards
    2. Your side mirrors only work when backing in
  3. It's safer
    1. There is more danger when leaving a spot than when entering
    2. Other cars backing up might not see you and vice versa
    3. Coming out of your driveway there's more likely to be an obstacle while leaving than while entering
    4. If you're rushing somewhere like making a train you're much better off fronting out than backing out.
    5. My car was hit 2x by cars backing up and I hit a car backing up
  4. It's easier to get out of the spot
    1. If you have to get out in an emergency you'll be happy you backed in
  5. When backing out if car's parked too close to you, you might not be able to get out as your car's front may not have enough room to swing out
  6. The situation where you parked might have changed preventing backing out of spot
  7. Two cars backing out at the same time can't easily see each other

Arguments against backing in

  1. Carbon Monoxide (CO)
    1. If you park in a garage in your house then you should front in as less CO will enter the house
  2. Other drivers might get annoyed that you're backing in
  3. Most drivers front in so they might not know what you're doing
  4. It's harder to learn
  5. You can rush backing in because you can see who you're delaying and get into an accident
  6. Where you are parking might not be obvious to others and they might take your spot

Tell me your thoughts below, because I'd love to hear from you.

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