Up at 5:30 am and working from home due to storm.
I've been thinking about my current method of getting things done.
In terms of branding I'd like to be known as a "Productivity Expert" kind of like David Allen.
I've been working on a tool for way too long to create a better to-do list. My goal is what I call STS or Smart Task Selection. Currently my tool helps with RTS or Random Task Selection.
I have > 200 items on my to-do list and I need a better way to manage this large amount of tasks. One way is in Excel I use the 80-20 principle. I have two lists of tasks and I try to keep my top 20% in one and the remaining 80% in the other.
A promising thing I'm looking at is the Tony Robbins RPM system for getting stuff done.
One cool feature I just added to my time-monitor software incorporates the A1R2 method.
A1R2 - Add 1 Remove 2
One issue I have is a proliferation of sheets. So anytime I add a new sheet I get a message of how many sheets I have and to delete two of them. I actually archive them to another sheet.
Shortening Text
I just wrote some software that shortens whatever you want by removing spaces and abbreviating words you call with no parameters it will allow you to tweet the shortened text.
Below is what it would look like.
Up@5:30Am&WorkingFromHomeDue2Storm.I'veBeenThinkingAbtMyCurrentMethodOfGettingThingsDone.InTermsOfBrandingI'dLike2bKnownAsA"productivityExpert"KindOfLikeTDavidAllen.IJustWroteSomeSoftwareThatShortensWhatevrUWntByRemovingSpaces&AbbreviatingWords Http:// FuCallWithNoParametersItWillAllowU2TweetTShortendText.BelowIsWhatItWudLookLike
I don't know if this is useful but in theory it could save a lot of energy as you're using about 16% less space.
I want to make it more dynamic as it's currently uses a hardcoded lookup table.
Some possible changes:
- convert
- "ing" to "ng"
- remove unnecessary words
- the
- adverbs (words ending in 'ly")
- actually
- really
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