Sunday, December 4, 2016

How to Improve Your Diet

Goal: Longevity
Sub-goal: Health, Diet improvement
Topics: Habits, Decisions, Methods for Change

Okay, My diet isn't great.

These small decisions in theory can give or take away health from you.

Most of the reasons for a bad diet are really just bad habits and lack of knowledge. If eating a specific food could be quantified, like each cookie reduces your life span by 7 days, people might make a better effort to avoid the bad food.

Its starts when we buy food.

So the real goal to eat a better diet is to:
  1. Assess your current diet and problems with it
  2. Make a plan to solve the problem
  3. Follow the plan
  4. Continually adjust what you do
Another method (Small Change) is to:
  1. Make one small change, that is a positive change
    1. Eat X
  2. Make one small negative change
    1. Don't eat Y
  3. Repeat step 1 & 2
At work I've been eating the following:
  • Coffee - Black
  • Questbars - 2 for bf
  • Food from Cafeteria
  • Nuts for snack
  • Not enough veggies or variety
  • Too much protein and fiber
  • Have 5 bars sometimes
  • Bulletproof coffee
    • I've stopped making this since I got my new job
  • Grape drink

Random Food Method:

Make a list of healthy foods
  1. Create random meals
  2. Buy the foods/items I need
  3. Prepare the meals ahead of time on the weekend

Research Healthy Foods

This is difficult because there is a debate going on about what's healthy and what isn't. A number of popular writers are criticizing the low fat high carb diets. Gary Taubes, Tim Ferriss, Dave Aspery, Atkins, Paleo, 

Create habits to avoid foods

Some foods are probably bad for you and some are probably good. I say probably because we don't really know for sure. What are some of the foods/behaviors I avoid:
  • Candy and cakes
  • Chips
  • Milk in coffee or tea
  • Bread
What's bad to eat? Fruits? Milk? 

Let me know the one small change you will to make below in the comments


  1. I do not agree with, nor participate in, fad dieting. I am a huge advocate for knowledge and understanding your source of information. Low carb diets can be dangerous. You need carbs every day for basic brain function. Processed food is a huge culprit to our health issues. I believe that if we were to eliminate processed food from our diet, really listen to our bodies, and stay hydrated, the results would be forthcoming. My personal challenges, I'm struggling with my chocolate addiction. I am also improving my hydration. I'll have to keep you posted on results.
