Saturday, December 3, 2016

Better Plan to Test my Blood Sugar

Goal: Longevity
Sub-goal: Health, Lower Blood Sugar
Topics: Planning

Does planning work?

Not for me.

I don't recall a time where I made a specific plan and followed it and achieved the success I wanted.

My goal is to lower my blood sugar (bs). My bs as measured by A1c is 6.1. That's too high as normal is 5.7 or less.

My Current Method

I am currently testing my blood sugar when I feel like it or remember to. So the knowledge I gain may not be accurate or useful. Since there is some pain involved it would be smarter to know what I can specifically do to lower my bs.

Why Lower Blood Sugar

How to Lower Blood Sugar

Recently I've noticed my blood sugar a bit lower than I've expected. The two things I've been doing that may have helped is taking Metformin and Reversetrol.

From my own experience walking up stairs seems to lower my bs.

How to Test Your Blood Sugar

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