Friday, April 15, 2016

Weekly Journal - April 15, 2017

So I wake up to twitter with picture of North Korea's new ICBM, Intercontinental Ballistic Missile.  Does this knowledge help me or hurt me? There's little I can do about this, maybe build a bomb shelter. But how does this knowledge help me in any way?

I'm on day 4 of the My spreadsheet is at work, so I'm not sure where I stand. Some stats for me:

  • Weight - 169.2
  • Blood Pressure - 132/80
  • Heart rate - 66
  • Blood Sugar - 111
Today is Tax Day, April 15th, but the taxes aren't due until April 17th.  I owe $7,000. That sucks. My wife received money from work and they didn't take out taxes. I've always hated tax day.

Listened to Sam Harris Podcast last night from ..... but fell asleep. I want to listen to it again and take some notes.

My library books are due today. 8 weeks and I haven't read them.

Taking vitamins and working standing up for 1 hour between 6 - 7 am or maybe while I do this blog post.
  • Lutein
  • Vit. D
  • Magnesium
  • Multi-Vitamin
  • Vit. K2
  • CoQ10
  • Fish Oil
  • Reverstrol
  • Choline
My to-do list:
  1. Vacuum
  2. Clean dog poop
  3. Do some work 
  4. Listen to Sam Harris podcast
    1. Take notes
    2. Create new tasks
  5. Work on my Health
  6. Walk the dog
  7. Go to gym
  8. Return/Read Library books
  9. Have a low protein day
  10. Stand every other hour that I work
  11. Clean garage
  12. Think about tests to do
  13. Health Research
    1. Metformin
    2. Stand-up desk
    3. Dr. Braverman
I'm currently reading or want to read a few books
  • Derren Brown's book
  • Steve Scott's 23 Anti-procrastination Habits
  • Impossible to Ignore
  • Self-Hypnosis for Dummies
  • Counterparty Credit Risk

Health Problems

My health problems are mounting and I'm not sure what to do if anything. I'm feel like everything is failing. Some of my issues are:
  • High Blood Sugar - Prediabetes
  • Overweight - based on BMI
  • Hip pain - left side
  • Poor eyesight
  • High Blood pressure
  • Enlarged Prostate with PSA 3.5
  • Left Foot pain on top
  • Heel pain - Left foot
  • Osteoporosis
  • High Albumin (not sure if this is right word)
  • Itchy arse


My big focus is to lose 10 lbs. in 10 


I continue to be very busy at work. I've been at my new position for about 6 months. 

Database Code

I've been working on Excel VBA code to run database queries. This past week I got the code to run 2 queries on 2 different databases and then combine the results.


I've been trying to stand up more at work and have used a timer app on my phone that warns me every 50 minutes to stand for 10 minutes.  I tried to get a stand-up desk but was told I need a reason. So until I get a doctor's note I've been taking my laptop to a cabinet and working there for 10 minutes.  I've created a short list of tasks that I can do while standing.  I was due for some training which I can't stand to do. Recently I had to get trained on the ADA (American's with Disabilities Act) which seems like very foolish overburdensome regulations and Fair Lending. 

I've also made a list of topics and plan to write 1 page summaries on them. To see how knowledgeable I am and to fill in the gaps.  The first randomly selected item was MPOR which stands for the Margin Period of Risk.  

Oh my God so f'n boring. So I tried to take the class and the assessment in 10 minutes which should take much longer. Instead of reading the content I press next as fast as possible and then take the assessment. I have to get > 80% to pass the test. I passed both tests and noticed two things.
  1. All of the above, is usually the correct answer
  2. If there are 3 similar answers and 1 different one, then the different one is the answer
A new person is starting soon. Seems like a nice guy. I always worry on how much I should help him. He will kind of be reporting to me. If I help him so much I might not be needed at work and get fired. But then I think there's no way he could do what I do. I have 40 years of programming experience and almost 10 years in this department.

I've been getting annoyed by Excel 2013. I was just upgraded at work from 2007. It's seems much slower than the old version.  I tweeted to +Microsoft about this but no response.

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