Monday, September 5, 2016

Knee Pain

When I was younger around 18 years old, I had my knee hyper extended while playing hockey.

I'm starting to feel knee pain and am not sure if it's from this event or just aging.

I'm finding that the internet is good at a lot of stuff but lacks help with pains do to aging.

I'm sitting and feel no pain in my knees. I do have worse pains.

I found an article The 8 key ways to relieve knee pain that really work.

  1. See your doctor
  2. Lose weight
  3. Improve Muscles
    1. Short arc quad
    2. Wall slides
    3. Bridge
  4. Be gentler when you exercise
  5. Take an anti-inflamatory or spices
    1. quercentin (apples)
    2. onions
    3. green tea
    4. tumeric
    5. cumin
    6. ginger
    7. capsicum
  6. Heals no higher than 2 inches
  7. Supplements
    1. glucosamine
    2. chondroitin
    3. Zyflamend
  8. Food Journal- Foods that can cause flareups
    1. eggplant
    2. tomatoes
    3. citrus
    4. potatoes
    5. peppers

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