an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
and the definition of Islamophobia is ....
dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.
Is it rational to be fearful of Islam or Muslims?
There are many good Muslims around the world. The few I've dealt with have been kind, friendly and extremely nice.But with my own eyes I've seen the destruction that this ideology can cause. I worked across the street from the World Trade center in 1993 when the first attempt to kill innocent people took place but failed.
In 2001 I lost 2 colleagues that were in the World Trade Center at the time of the 9/11 attack. What was their crime? If an extremist group gets nukes, a dirty bomb, chemical or biological weapons, how soon would they attack as many people as they can?
My wife worked in the north tower of the World Trade Center on the 73rd floor. She is alive today because of luck that the company she worked for went out of business as many of the people who where still there were killed.
This is something to fear and isn't irrational.There also doesn't appear to be a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) from prevent these people from doing something like this.
Are we fearful of countries like North Korea? Yes. Of lions? Yes. Of poisonous snakes? Yes. These are all rational fears. If you were Jewish in the Middle Ages is a fear of Catholicism a rational fear? Yes. But now it isn't. Islam is the only religion that I think is rational to fear.
Since it is rational to fear Islam then the word Islamophobia doesn't make sense as it is a rational fear. Is it rational to be fearful that drawing a cartoon of Mohamed can get you killed? Yes.
Why fear Islam?
It is only a matter of time before there is another big attack in the US and this one will set off WW III.
How many Islamic terrorist groups are there?
There are many. Here are a few:
- Daesh aka Islamic State
- Al Qaida
- Saudi Arabia
- Boho Harem
- Taliban
- Al Quds (Iranians)
- Hesbollah
- Hamas
How many deaths are caused by Islamic extremism?
How many wars are from
Is criticizing Islam hate speech or Islamophobia?
Is it irrational to fear Muslims or their religion?
Are all Muslims terrorists?
Don't all of the Abrahamic religions teach hatred?
Is Islam a virus?
Why aren't the following terms popular?
- Redneckophobia
- Judiasmophobia
- Catholocismophobia
- Terrorismophobia
- Lionophobia
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